Monday, June 9, 2014

A major blow to my 2014 sailing season

I knew I had work to do on Reel Fun before getting her in the water. I had to rebed the deck hardware as there were leaks at the chainplate which rotted out the bulkheads.

As I was getting prepared to do all the work, I was out for a bike ride during lunch at my office. A driver coming in the opposite direction turned in front of me as I just finished crossing a side street, taking out my front wheel and sending me flying. I suffered a separated shoulder, cracked ribs and knee lacerations.

This bike is 2 weeks old!

Looks like the storm on Saturn

My shoulders are now mis-shapen

The most painful thing was my cracked ribs. If I laid down in bed, I couldn't sit back up without excruciating pain.

This has left me unable to do the work to get Reel Fun back in the water. Maybe next year?

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